Apparently that is how people interpret Barred Owl’s calls! And here is a link for you to check it out and decide for yourself. 😀,
A few weeks ago we heard this very loud, unusual and distinctive sound which we have never heard before from our big cedar trees in our back yard. There were not exactly like birds songs or squirrels squeaks…just really loud and strange and we could also hear there was the other one echoing back every time! I’ve heard about the barred owls are common here, so I looked up on my Audubon app, sure enough, they are Barred owls! Would be so cool to spot them since they seemed just close by! Well somehow my wish was granted…
Last Saturday on my morning walk as I was getting up the hill, just from the corner of my eyes there was this good size bird just swooshing by and I thought was a crow or eagle, didn’t give it much of a thought until I was getting closer to the little tree it was perched on…A Barred Owl was looking right at me! What? The first time ever I saw a wild owl up close, I quickly got my phone out and snapped a few pictures and then continued on to finish my walk. After I was done about half hour later when I first saw him/her, I came home grabbed my camcorder went back to get some better pictures of him, and he was still there for another good 5 or so minutes before he decided to fly away. I guess I had over stayed my welcome, sigh! It seems like that was a good little tree for him to perch on, because I saw him there again yesterday, but not for very long though! Showed some pictures to our daughter and she liked them, she thought I should share them, so here they are:
So cool! It looks really big!!
He’s so pretty! We saw one in our neighbor’s yard in Ravensdale. He was huge!
Beautiful! Very handsome owl. Hope you are all well.
So cool!